The Neoliberal Mandate: Privatize the Profits and Socialize the Costs

One trick to rewilding our imaginations is to power up the skeptics spotlight. In this case, Mark Kaufman does great service. He not only recounts that both of the ad campaigns I quote below were paid for by self-serving interests, Shell Oil and Coca Cola, but he takes it a step further by noting what their ultimate interests were: to make pollution a personal matter and a personal responsibility, not a corporate one. Who makes the hydrocarbons? Who makes the throwaway bottles? Exactly.

And if you take it one more step, you can explore the idea that this is just another brutal example of the credo of neoliberal political and economic life: privatize the profits, socialize the costs.

This is where we are today: privatized prisons, privatized utilities, privatized infrastructures, and on and on. That is the system we see everywhere.  Having awakened to it, the least we can do is to call it out over and over again.




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