My Greatest Hits of Grievance and Affront

My greatest hits of grievance and affront
brought to you by the apartheid
of the university tenure system
slowly boiling me into something I barely recognized.

A fuse blew.
I took my pen and proofread my own name
in red ink.
I  promised myself that I was done or done as soon as I could get done.
No replacing that fuse, the one whose breaking showed me
how corrupt
in my heart I had become.

By the end of the school year I was done,

retired from all future faculty retreats,
retired from grievances about tenure,
and retired from that continuing,
long, slow boil of corruption.

Retired from all of it.

1 Comment

  1. // Reply

    Now that you are “retired” from the official bureaucracy of college teaching you are free to use your time and talents in any way you prefer to help learners from your own community and throughout the world.

    At retirement we look back on a journey of many years. However, life continues on for most of us, often for many decades after “retirement” from our first career.

    May the force be with you along this next stage of your journey.

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