Vialogues Is Dead, Long Live Vialogues!

Sad days.

Here is my email to them:

On Fri, 11 Mar at 8:22 AM , Terry Elliott <> wrote:
First, I am devastated by this loss. I use this tool and recommend it regularly.
Second, are there alternatives to this.
Third, would you consider giving users more time downloading?
Fourth, why is this happening?

Again, there is nothing quite like Vialogues that I know of. Any chance this decision might be reconsidered?

Thanks for all the fish,
Terry Elliott

And here is their response:

Dear Terry,

Many thanks for reaching out with your feedback and concern for the sunsetting of Vialogues.
It is a tool that was created by the former EdLab that, with apologies, we can no longer support, due to the closure of the unit. We highly recommend that you coordinate with your Department of Information Technology to seek alternative solutions that meet your needs. Unfortunately we are not in a position to recommend alternative softwares, and we can not allow more time for users to download resources since we are migrating resources created by Teachers College, Columbia University to another platform.
We apologize the for inconvenience and hope you are able to extract what you need and find a good alternative on the market.
Jennifer Govan
Library Services
As they say in bars at closing, “You don’t have to go home, but you can’t stay here.” I will be looking for alternatives and will let you know what I find.  In the meantime, start downloading yer Vialogues. If you find a good substitute, let me know.


  1. // Reply

    I did not know about this. Sad. I had a few videos there..

    Will our projects on Vialogues be available on the Internet archive?

  2. // Reply

    What happens when you download? Do all the comments and annotations come along for the ride? The video, too?

    1. // Reply

      I keep looking for the “download” link like they suggest, but I guess I just don’t see it. Will email and ask.

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