March 2022

How a Poem Almost Makes Itself. Not.

I am going to describe here how the poem was made since Sheri and Charlene asked so nicely.  I cannot believe how much I am leaving out, but that is necessarily so, right?  Here goes: 1.Write in my online Google Form: writing a story worthy moment from the day before. “Homework for Life” is Matthew…

What are you wondering about? “Am I reseeding my imagination, or just rewilding with another’s culture, like making yoghurt? And what might that mean every day to me? And when might it not mean anything to me?” All good questions. Answers? It might mean: Observing boredom. Observing wanting to quit. Maybe noting those empty, zombie-fied…

MY friend Kevin sent me a snail mail copy of a recent New Yorker article about Wendell Berry because it is behind a firewall.  At the same time I ran across a YouTube interview with Chris Hedges that started with a discussion of “sacrifice zones”.  Poem time!   Sacrifice Zones Places that are not in…