March 2022

Vialogues Is Dead, Long Live Vialogues!

Sad days. Here is my email to them: On Fri, 11 Mar at 8:22 AM , Terry Elliott <> wrote: First, I am devastated by this loss. I use this tool and recommend it regularly. Second, are there alternatives to this. Third, would you consider giving users more time downloading? Fourth, why is this happening?…

I get the outpouring of empathy for Ukraine, but where is it for Yemen or any other war-ravaged place on this planet brought to them by the doddering U.S. warmongers, our elites.  This feeling is being managed and made to serve the ugliest purposes.  I know perfectly well that the “other side” is not justified…

I worked at a wild animal park for several summers before I started teaching.  Two creatures not to be trusted under any circumstance: a mama bison in calf and a cardinal. This poem is a chip of memory.   Have you ever been bitten by a cardinal? I have. Their orange beaks, well adapted to…