Dog Is God Spelled Backwards

This is a “daisy chain” of responses to this prompt

Explain to me this observation in a few paragraphs: I should have listened to myself more,
Here’s the response from the chatbot:

Many people have experienced this kind of regret, where they ignore their gut feeling or intuition and later realize that it could have saved them from negative consequences. Sometimes, we get caught up in our rational minds and ignore the signals our intuition is sending us. We may feel like we should make decisions based solely on facts and logic, ignoring the subtle cues that our intuition provides.

However, intuition is a valuable tool that can help us navigate the complexities of life. It is a combination of our past experiences, emotions, and subconscious thoughts that inform our decision-making processes. When we listen to our intuition, we are tapping into a wealth of knowledge that can help us make better decisions.

Overall, the observation “I should have listened to myself more” highlights the importance of trusting our intuition and paying attention to our inner voice. It is a reminder that sometimes the best course of action is to follow our instincts, even if it goes against what seems logical or rational at the time.

Here’s my poetic response:

I sat pent over my desk,

eyes closed

while someone shook

my shoulder.

I say,

“I should have listened,

really listened to myself


when I whispered inside me,

‘Just rest.

Right here,

right now,

right like this.’ “

Here is the ChatAI poetic response:

I should have listened to myself more,

That nagging voice I oft ignored,

A whisper soft, a gut feeling,

An intuition, a gentle revealing.

I should have trusted what I knew,

The truth inside that always grew,

A hunch, a notion, a deep insight,

A knowing that shines so bright.

But I was blinded by my mind,

And thought my logic was so kind,

I dismissed the voice within,

And let my head begin to spin.

Now I see the error of my ways,

And how I lost in so many days,

But I’ll listen closely from now on,

And let my intuition be my dawn.

For in that still, small voice inside,

I’ll find the truth that cannot hide,

And with its guidance, I’ll find my way,

And live each moment without delay.

Here is a ChatAI haiku based on my poem:

Gut feeling ignored,

Now I’ll trust intuition,

Truth shall be my guide.

Here is a sidewise slap at chatAI by Woody Allen from “Sleeper”, a bit of a leap:



  1. // Reply

    What’s your impression/reflection on your daisy chain?

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