July 2023

I have been reading Dan Russell’s blog “Search/ReSearch” and his newsletter this morning. Russell’s book, The Joy of Search, was my ur-text for developing a “research attitude” in my students at all ability levels.  The best.  Now he has started a new blog for writing a new book about…unintended consequences and how we might might…

Life Brims. Shearing Day. Sláinte. Thousands of June bugs rising from the grass like metal green automatons, bumbles on the incandescent orange cosmos (as if they were feeding on the whole cosmos) some falling asleep as they feed a blithering of pollinators only to be believed if seen and tomatoes beyond eating. That’s ok because…

Here is a piece of my life, not a horcrux exactly, but a fractal slice, raw (the emphasis on raw) creative material that usually ends up mostly on the cutting room floor of artistic choice. I include it here so that we can annotate it together if you wish.  To summarize: we live on a…