January 2024

Yuri Yuan: Wearing the Three Hats

Wonderful artist Yuri Yuan with some straight up wisdom for creative folk.  That is everybody, right?   How do you deal with those experiences when they happen? Are there things you do going into that space to shield yourself creatively? I usually like to imagine myself having three hats: the artist hat, the business hat,…

MLK Haiku

Thanks, Kevin,  for finding this powerful address by Dr. King at the Berlin Jazzfest in 1964. King obviously cared about jazz and that makes me respect his humanity even more. I copied the address to chat GPT with this prompt: “Choose the most powerful images in this address to create five haiku.” Here they are.…

Poetic Signal on the Crystal Radio of Living

  How I Live in Poetry Life like a roulette wheel with black and red and no numbers, oscillating between “Oh, fuck!” & “Don’t freak out.” Both feel right and wrong, coincident. My life, waiting for the ball to drop on one or the other center of gravity, a cat’s whisker on a crystal radio…