January 2024

Summer Images

Summer Thoughts Anticipating. The world is rippling pond and fish underneath. One cattail in the breeze. Fireflies smelting the dark. Moths, anti-meteors refracted in the foggy milk of  morning light. Chimney swifts, in and out, reverse smoke. Anticipating. Not yet. Doesn’t feel like soon either Until the spring peeper divas sing.

All *fill in blank* Is Appropriation.  Get Over It!

i have been dipping into Catherine Liu substack and found something there that inspired the image and text below. I am entirely fed up with scholarly academic analysis of everything. Yes, everything. I had a train of thought, but that has left the station as well. Besides, it was probably some half-baked analysis like a…

What schools as they are currently configured can ‘teach’ this? I don’t even know enough to answer that question, but I suspect ‘none’ is the correct answer for now. And taken one step down the adjacencies, how does AI fit here in the ‘curriculum’? Laughable when you put it in now defunct eduspeak like –curriculum…