May 2024


There are 8 billion sets of ears. Anybody listening to this eye-witness report, to these buried dreamscapes? 8 billion voices clamoring toward possibility… probably… alone and mute for the most part. Only a community can break through, like playing penny ante poker with your family at the kitchen table, ordinary and perfect, nothing special.

Writing through Fear: Villanelles and Escapes

Writing Through Fear: Villanelles and Escapes When you are afeard, write something weird, perhaps a villanelle, or retreat into a world that has no content but itself, something and nothing, both and neither, dancing with feet and without on waters quick and still. Not with some mania for novelty, or worse, enduring and reiterating every…

I do not think there is any more off-putting and, therefore, more interesting a future career as ventriloquism. The Creative Independent does one of their best artist interviews ever with “voice thrower”, Sophie Becker. Here are three memorable quotes from Sophie Becker’s discussion about her journey into ventriloquism: On the transformative power of ventriloquism: “I…