The Wrecking Ball at the Gates of Dawn

The Wrecking Ball at the Gates of Dawn


The Piper’s bill always comes due–

yes, even now,

I hear the hoove’s of the harbinger’s horses

bringing to account all those

besotten nights

consuming consuming consuming.


You cannot,

you will not

believe the cost

of the wings that brood over you,

that hungry

advance Knight

collecting his due for the King.


But you say,

“I don’t see anything.”

Oh, but you do.

You know it.


Dead glaciers–

Neverending flurries of hurricanes and typhoons–

COVID19 variants fluttering like a butterfly’s wings

1000-year floods… every year.

And more….

the costs of steel

and worse the energy required to make it,

rising exponentially

like lumber

like computer chips


And the worst?

Any time you add energy to the system

you generate even greater complexity.

She goes by the name of Cassandra

and this is her prophecy:

complexity cannot be managed,

only endured.


Of course, no one believes her.


Gaia rising.

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