I started the morning in control. Internet filters up, project in mind, ready to get to ‘done’. I wanted to work on my Scoop.It accounts because I have had some activity this week and felt duty bound to find some more good stuff for my peoples. I found some classic linkbait in my Scoop.It content box and decided to make short work of it. I mean, really, all the ads. I already know these tools, right?
Not so much it turns out. Take social bookmarking tool Kippt for example. Let me digress.
First, I did a quick skim of the author’s Twitter site which was handily linked at the bottom of the article. Not bad, I followed. I checked out his blog and while I did not agree with the sentiments of his hyperbolic post about Indian feminism, I had to say the guy has voice and is fun to read. So far, OK. Maybe I can give this post a chance.
A quick skim of the post had revealed lots of new tools. My curation filter, the one that says, “Only sign up for this if it gives an immediate hum.” I know. What a ridiculous filter, but I always start with a embodied bias. I listen for a feel, a synaesthetic rumble and taste.
I read the post text about Kippt and get that immediate dopamine squirm of discovery. Profuse sighs all about, I step down into the hyperlink and into Kippt land.
Here are my discoveries:
- Visual, social bookmarking service
- Pretty
- Chrome extension
- Bookmarklet
- An RSS feed
- Lots of associated apps including a WordPress widget
OK, so I sign up and discover…I have already signed up. What the hell. What made me forget I had already been here, done that? There’s a cogpsy research experiment in that I am sure, but I gloss over that and sign in with the first possible login that bubbles up into frog pond mind. Voila. I am in.
I like to take the tool for a spin at this point so I created what the folks at Kippt call a “list”. In this case it is a list of Zotero tools for beginners in my English 300 Composition class. It seems just like Diigo except it is all pinteresty pretty. I find out there is not an embed share.
Howsabout Hungryfeed as a rss plugin?
[hungryfeed url=”https://kippt.com/tellio/zotero-4-all/feed”]
So advantage to Kippt for having an RSS feed for every list. Very handy. Then I discover…Kippt has been shutdown. I still have access to the site and can still create lists, but…apparently no one can view them except through the widget I set up. So all the spinning about was for no good reason? A couple of hours shot on a rainy spring morning?
I’m over it. However, if the author had done a proper curating job and checked out the availability of the tool.
Now all that is left is to look at the rest of the post and linkbait and ask, “Do ya feel lucky?”
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That is frustrating!