Undoing the Doomloops


We are reading a book together, Stephen Nachmanovitch’s newest, The Art of Is. We are using NowComment as our annotation platform and if you want to join us let me know and I will forward an invite. You can lurk or otherwise do as you will.

One of the first objects to emerge for me springs from the comments in the margins. The poem below is a remix of our comments into a poem. I have embedded an etherpad version for anyone else who might want a try at remixing/stealing/hacking/re-vamping what I created. (Please note: I have the raw materials of my poem here on Diigo to share if you want to start there: First Creative Feldgang for The Art of Is


  1. // Reply

    Shepard the cadence forward to find a way
    into the listen .. all collapsing daydreamers
    dare to be different … We are the fade,
    the spiral, the conversation, the fabric,
    the knit, the knot, the not …
    the unknowing spool of words
    playing improv into the screen,
    where you take a thread and lead


  2. // Reply

    Two celestial objects:
    One mine and
    One yours.
    An unexpected
    each revolving
    around the other.

  3. // Reply

    I’m not salty,
    I’m sweet.
    (Well, mostly).
    I feel more often not than knot
    in the presence of your genius.
    (A locus? or a locust?)
    I’m listening.

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