Our Spent and Ashen Selves

I have felt a creative vacuum of late.  I haven’t been able to bring my way of looking at the world into the world.  It helps when folks attend to your observations. It makes me feel alight when I can share.  There are probably reasons for these dolorous times, but I seem to have broken ranks with the forces of passivity with this poem.


My Ashen Muse

Every day
I look up
and displayed
on a metal shelf
above my desk?
My brother’s dust.
I move his ashes around.
One day he is at hand
and another
barely in earshot..
One day he is
out of grasp
and another
he is eye level.
When I touch the urn
that carries him
I feel
he is a semaphore
or an emoticon
or a metaphor
or a figure
an eye floater,
a persistent image,
a phosphor blip
on high speed film.
he stays in one place
and others
(I do not know how)
he has moved.
Sometimes he is
a scrying bowl
and others
he holds my tears
within his ash aquarium.
Most days
he is not a cliche,
not a reminder,
not an instrument
of something,
not a tool.
He is what remains,
a filter-through
of memory
and time
and held together
with nothing but cardboard
and a twine hasp.
Not a final rest
but a respite
while I consider
a more apt
perhaps the muddy flooded creek
or with the horsetail
and the peepers
in the wetlands
or 150 feet up
in the heron aerie
or on the wind
of a spring tornado
or with the efts and salamanders
wriggling and stretching
in the moldering leaves and
feeding all the tendrils and hyphae
in reach.
However his entropy
shakes out
the electric circuit of the earth
will fold him into
and me too
and you as well.
Now and forever forward,
our futurity assured.


  1. // Reply

    Suddenly I am transported to a site on the edge of The Thames under a Magnolia tree.


    Under the wide and starry sky,

    Dig the grave and let me lie.
    Glad did I live and gladly die,
    And I laid me down with a will.

    This be the verse you grave for me:
    Here he lies where he longed to be;
    Home is the sailor, home from sea,
    And the hunter home from the hill.

    Robert Louis Stevenson.

    Colin Anthony Hunter 1926-2013


    1. // Reply

      Yes, no one knows what edge is bidden, whose memory rises like one gingko leaf in a rain barrel, or when the western wind with the small rain calls.

      O Western Wind when wilt thou blow
      The small rain down can rain
      Christ! my love were in my arms
      and I in my bed again.

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