Two Poems Rubbed Together to Stay Warm


One image that keeps rising
in my poetic life,
an inspiration,
is the porch swing at home.
It is the big fat koi in the pond of my imagination.
I continue to roll over the image in my poetry.
That is part of what a poetic life is, a recursion into the glub-glub-glub-speak of my fish unconscious.
And it is also the realization that this game
is not just worth
the candle,
it is the candle.



in my remembrance
I realize
this anchor
is way too big.
I tug on it
so I can fish
the next spot.
It won’t let loose.
I can’t pull it up.
Will I be held here forever,
this memory’s
steely grapples
stuck fast
to the chassis
of some ancient
Olds 88
so many fathoms deep?
Stay tuned.


  1. // Reply

    I am now curious about themes and visual metaphors that recur in the poems one writes. Mine is music, no doubt. Meanwhile, I am toggling (swinging?) from here to your Sub sharing, where the poem here was prose there, and another poem sprung from the swing. And now I arrive back here.

  2. // Reply

    Echoes, yes? Sometimes I redundify my own self as part of being in the poetic life. I am just so grateful to have someone so spirited following my trail blazes as you. I am sorry not to have been as quick or as thorough in responding.

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