Hope Is …….

I took one of my own poems and opened up some gaps for you to fill in. Make free with this just as you might with any dadaist chaos. Be a poetic bomb thrower.

Hope Is _______________


The land don’t ___________.

if I am ______________.

It never grows _______________

so it heaps _______.  ____________

on our __________

and our _______________

because we all __________

that sweat

is the ________

of __________ dreams.

Hope Is the Oil of Rusty Dreams


The land don’t care

if I’m tired

It never grows tired.

So it heaps high hopes

on our backs

and brows

because we all know

that sweat

is the oil of rusty dreams.


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      Attention is the
      rarest and purest form of generosity
      Simone Weil

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