Category: connectedcourses

Curation Favors the Connected Mind

Update:  I am ramping up for the fall semester and I find that this post from August 2014 is an apt one for me to review.  Maybe you, too? Curation as Digital Literacy Practice | Ibrar’s space [caption id="attachment_28" align="aligncenter" width="768"] Photo by SparkCBC ( BY-SA 2.0)[/caption] A very interesting and useful blog post on…

UX Mapping Methods Compared: A Cheat Sheet I stumbled over these handy user experience maps this morning and thought about how useful they might be in my teaching, learning, and research. Empathy maps: designed to help folk understand the mind of the user. [caption id="" align="alignnone" width="1094"] empathy map in four quadrants with user in…

This morning I came across this post in Brainpickings apropos of Labor Day to come and May Day just passed. Leisure, the Basis of Culture: An Obscure German Philosopher’s Timely 1948 Manifesto for Reclaiming Our Human Dignity in a Culture of Workaholism I stripped out the relevant links using LinkGrabber and put them into Dropbox’s…